Download Accelerator Physics by S. Y. Lee PDF
By S. Y. Lee
Examine and improvement of excessive strength accelerators started in 1911.
(1) improvement of excessive gradient dc and rf accelerators,
(2) fulfillment of excessive box magnets with very good box quality,
(3) discovery of transverse and longitudinal beam focusing principles,
(4) invention of excessive strength rf sources,
(5) development of ultra-high vacuum technology,
(6) attainment of excessive brightness (polarized/unpolarized) electron/ionsources,
(7) development of beam dynamics and beam manipulation schemes, similar to beam injection, accumulation, gradual and quick extraction, beam damping and beam cooling, instability suggestions, laser-beam interplay and harvesting instability for prime brilliance coherent photon source.
The affects of the accelerator improvement are evidenced by means of the numerous ground-breaking discoveries in particle and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed topic physics, biology, biomedical physics, nuclear drugs, scientific treatment, and business processing. This publication is meant for use as a graduate or senior undergraduate textbook in accelerator physics and technological know-how. it may be used as preparatory direction fabric in graduate accelerator physics thesis learn. The textual content covers old accelerator improvement, transverse betatron movement, synchrotron movement, an advent to linear accelerators, and synchrotron radiation phenomena in low emittance electron garage earrings, advent to important themes similar to the loose electron laser and the beam-beam interplay. recognition is paid to derivation of the action-angle variables of the section area, as the transformation is critical for knowing complex subject matters comparable to the collective instability and nonlinear beam dynamics. every one part is via workouts, that are designed to augment techniques and to resolve practical accelerator layout difficulties.
Readership: Accelerator, high-energy, nuclear, plasma and utilized physicists.
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Thus a thin-lens quadrupole gives rise to an angular kick to the betatron amplitude function without changing its magnitude. 3 Floquet Transformation Since K ( s ) is a ,periodic function, Eq. 59) where Eq. 58) is called the envelope equation for betatron motion. Any solution of Eq. 34) is a linear superposition of the linearly independent solutions yl and yz. Thus the mapping matrix M ( s z ( s l )can be obtained easily as where w1 = w(sl), wz = w(sz), $ = $(sz) - $(s1), w: = wl(sl), wz = w'(sz), and the prime is the derivative with respect t o s.
2) 2'' + 2gz' + g'z = 0, Z'I - 292' - g ' x = 0, where g = e60/2p = eBll/2p is the strength of the solenoid. The linearized equation can be solved analytically. Letting y = x + j z , show that the coupled equation of motion becomes y" - j2gy' -jg'y = 0. Transforming the coordinates into the rotating frame with where 6 = jj = ye-je(*), [g d s , show that the system is decoupled,. and the decoupled equation of motion becomes + g2& = 0. ," Thus the solenoidal field, in the rotating frame, provides both horizontal and vertical focusing, independent of the direction of the solenoidal field.
6 . Show that the total energy for a head-on collision of two beams a t a n energy of ycmmc2each is equivalent to a fixed target collision a t the laboratory energy of ymc2 with y = 2y& - 1. 7. The luminosity, L [cm-2s-1], is a measure of the probability (rate) of particle encounters per unit area in a collision process. Thus the total counting rate of a physics event is R = a,hy,L, where Uphys is the cross-section of a physics process. When two beams are colliding head-on, the luminosity is where s1 = s + pct,sg = s - pct, f is the encountering frequency, N1 and N2 are the numbers of particles, and p1 and p2 are the normalized distribution functions for these two bunches.