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By David Bates, Benjamin Bederson
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1980) for H A++ (0)and H + Xe8+ (0) collisions. + 30 B. H. K. Janev 10-l4 m 14 1s n FIG. 4. n-Distributions of captured electrons in the H keV/amu. (From Janev et al.. , 1980). The partial cross sections were also calculated. 5 keV/amu, the n-distributions are shown in Fig. 4. It is seen from this figure that, in this range of 2,only a few final levels are significantly populated: one for even 2 (except for 2 = 20) and two for odd 2 (except for Z = 5). ’68 and changes by one unit when Z changes by two units.
W(O)(R)does not depend on Z and describes a resonant electron transition. An expression for W(R),analogous to that given by Eq. (103), has been derived (in a different way) by Duman and Smirnov (1978). 577 . . is the Euler's constant. As seen from Eq. (108), the quantity xo = xo(u, Z ) depends logarithmically on u and is almost independent of Z . 5 X Zln(314/u) (cm2) (109) The basic idea ofthe decay model, namely the existence of a large number of ionic states available for the reaction, may also be formulated in terms of a dense multi-curve-crossingsystem.
C. APPROXIMATETREATMENTS OF AO-CC EQUATIONS The system of diabatic equations (78) or (79) may be used for description of the charge-exchangeproblem in the intermediateenergy region, provided the wave functions ti) and l j ) contain translational phase factors and are appropriately orthogonalized, in which case the unitarity of the S-matrix is preserved. , the coupled system (79)], then the continuum states of the electron must also be included in the basis. Only for the one-center expansions is the system of coupled equations Hermitian (Polvkktov and Presnyakov, 1968).