Download An Introduction to the Kinetic Theory of Gases (Cambridge by James Jeans PDF
By James Jeans
This ebook could be defined as a student's variation of the author's Dynamical concept of Gases. it's written, besides the fact that, with the wishes of the scholar of physics and actual chemistry in brain, and people elements of which the curiosity used to be usually mathematical were discarded. this doesn't suggest that the e-book comprises no severe mathematical dialogue; the dialogue particularly of the distribution legislation is kind of targeted; yet broadly speaking the math is anxious with the dialogue of specific phenomena instead of with the dialogue of basics.
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Example text
The amount of heat or of energy needed to raise the temperature of unit mass by 1° is called the specific heat of the gas; it may be measured either in heat- or in energy-units. Equation (14) already obtained, namely dQ = NdE + pdv, (23) tells us how much energy is required to produce any specified change in the temperature and volume of a gas, and so provides a basis for a discussion of the specific heats of a gas. e. in a closed vessel. e. in a vessel which is open to the air or other space at a fixed pressure.
Suggesting that the atoms of these substances behave, in some respects at least, like the hard spherical balls which we have taken as our molecular model. On the other hand air and the permanent diatomic gases have a value of Cp/Cv equal to about If under normal conditions, suggesting that their molecules are not adequately represented by the hard spherical balls of our model. This is perhaps hardly surprising, seeing that these molecules are known to consist of two distinct and separable atoms.
1848) and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh (1854). 27 A PRELIMINARY SURVEY kinetic energy E, each molecule being a hard elastic sphere of infinitesimal size. Now suppose that a small quantity of energy is added, in the form of heat, to the gas in the cylinder. Part of this may warm up the gas, so that the average energy of each molecule is increased from E to E 4- dE\ as there are N molecules, this uses up an amount NdE of the energy. Another part of the added energy may be used in expanding the volume v of the gas.