Download An Investigation into the Therapeutic Properties of Honey by Dee A. Carter, Shona E. Blair, Julie Irish PDF

By Dee A. Carter, Shona E. Blair, Julie Irish
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Invited speaker. A. E. (2006) Testing the antibacterial activity of Australian honey. NSW Apiarists’ Association 93rd Annual Conference. Foster, NSW, Australia. Invited speaker. , Irish, J. A. (2005) The therapeutic potential of honey. Annual Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation R&D meeting. Canberra, Australia. Invited speaker. , Irish, J. A. (2005) Honey – a sweet solution for problem pathogens. ACT Amateur Beekeepers Association meeting. Canberra, Australia. Invited speaker.
And Irish, J. (2005) Honey vs Superbugs. Australasian Beekeeper 107(2):79-83. A. E. (2009) Medical Honey - the latest research. Wound Care Symposium; Wound Care Association of NSW, Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker. A. E. (2007) Honey – the sweet solution for problem pathogens. University of Technology, Sydney Lecture Series. Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker. A. E. (2007) Unusual activity of honey from the native Australian stingless bee, Trigona carbonaria. Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for Microbiology and New Zealand Society for Microbiology.
Irish, J. A. (2006) Honey is effective against drug resistant and other problematic pathogens. 1st International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Proffered paper. A. E. (2006) Honey prevents biofilm formation by microbial pathogens. 1st International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Proffered paper. A. and Blair, S. E. (2005) Honey inhibits the growth of Propionibacterium acnes. Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for Microbiology and New Zealand Society for Microbiology.