Download Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis by Katherine Killick, Joy Schaverien PDF

By Katherine Killick, Joy Schaverien
Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis finds the original position of artwork remedy within the remedy of psychosis. Illustrating their contributions with medical fabric and art created through consumers, skilled practitioners describe their paintings in quite a few settings. Writing from varied theoretical standpoints they mirror the present inventive variety in the career and its hyperlinks with psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, analytical psychology and psychiatry. partly I particular concerns inquisitive about operating with psychosis are explored. those contain dialogue of the healing dating, the method of symbolisation, the character and that means of paintings made via psychotic sufferers and the interaction among phrases and photographs. half II recounts the historical past of paintings treatment and psychosis, tracing its origins in paintings, to its present-day position as a revered remedy in psychiatric, group and healing settings. Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis extends the prevailing thought, develops analytical methods in paintings psychotherapy and provides leading edge views for college kids and practitioners at the remedy of borderline states in addition to psychosis.
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In the conjunction of image and written word the move into community is evident. Lena was 27 when she was admitted after a serious suicide attempt. She first came to the art room as a member of an open studio group. Her face was pale, she was evidently tense and her demeanour was such that it was clear that she did not wish to be approached. So, having given her some art materials and explained the length of the session to her, I left her alone. She immediately began to paint and was engrossed when Dr X, the doctor who was responsible for her care, came into the art room.
I am assuming here that the reader is familiar with Bion’s concept of ‘containment’, in which ‘beta elements’ are rendered bearable and meaningful by ‘alpha function’. The capacity to use projective identification as distinct from intrusive identification depends, at least in part, on the degree to which containment has been experienced. Colman (1995), working with Winnicott’s (1965) ideas of ‘gesture’ and ‘recognition’ in relation to the ideas I have discussed, offers a way of thinking 40 Art, psychotherapy and psychosis about the meaning of containment at the unintegrated level.
1979) Crazy Talk, New York and London: Plenum Press. Rosenfeld, H. (1965) Psychotic States, New York: International Universities Press. Rycroft, C. (1968) A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, London: Penguin. Samuels, A. (1989) ‘Countertransference and the Mundus Imaginalis’, in The Plural Psyche, London: Routledge. Schaverien, J. (1982) ‘Transference as an aspect of art therapy’, London: Inscape. ——(1984) ‘Word and image in art psychotherapy’, unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Central England.