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By Gary P. Brown PhD, David A. Clark PhD
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Young, J. E. (1990). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resources Press. Young, J. , & Brown, G. (2003). The Young Schema Questionnaire—Long Version. htm. Zuroff, D. , Blatt, S. , Sanislow, C. , Bondi, C. , & Pilkonis, P. A. (1999). Vulnerability to depression: Reexamining state dependence and relative stability. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 108, 76–89. Part I Cognitive Assessment Strategies and Practices 2 “Better the Devil You Know”? A Conceptual Critique of Endorsement Methods in Cognitive Therapy Assessment Gary P.
They concluded that the ATQ was more specific and sensitive to depression than the DAS-40, with the latter measure actually showing a far degree of nonspecificity. , Silverman, Silverman, & Eardley, 1984). Nevertheless, the DAS-40 has been used as a cognitive vulnerability measure in behavioral high-risk designs and shown to predict first onset of major depression (Alloy, Abramson, Keyser, Gerstein, & Sylvia, 2008). , 2012). The DAS, then, provides an excellent example of a research literature building the case for construct validity through a variety of research methodologies involving psychometric analysis, clinical experimental research, and treatment outcome trials.
Journal of Rational-Emotive Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 27, 79–82. McFall, R. , & Townsend, J. T. (1998). Foundations of psychological assessment: Implications for cognitive assessment in clinical science. Psychological Assessment, 10, 316–330. , & Barlow, D. H. (2010). The dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychological treatments. American Psychologist, 65, 73–84. , & Cooper, Z. (2010). What does a “transdiagnostic” approach have to offer the treatment of anxiety disorders? British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(Pt.