Download Atlas of Heart Diseases: Hypertension: Mechanisms and by Alan B. Weder (auth.), Norman K. Hollenberg MD, PhD (eds.) PDF

By Alan B. Weder (auth.), Norman K. Hollenberg MD, PhD (eds.)

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8] elegantly demonstrated the effect of "mental stress" on blood pressure. Continuous intraarterial blood pressure monitoring was performed on resting patients. When the physician entered the room the blood pressure began to rise and continued to increase when he measured the blood pressure. There was a marked rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both normotensive and hypertensive patients that was associated with an increase in pulse rate (but not to the same extent). The peak blood pressure elevation was recorded 4 minutes after the physician entered the room and slowly decreased over time, so that the blood pressure had almost completely returned to the baseline level after 10 minutes.

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