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By Ali Cinar; et al
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Chapter 3 presents various concepts and techniques that deal with experimental data collection and pretreatment. 4. Outline of the Book 17 is discussed first. Then, statistical design of experiments techniques are introduced for preliminary screening experiments. Factorial and fractional factorial designs are summarized and statistical analysis tools are presented for interpretation of results. Data pretreatment issue is divided into outlier detection and data reconciliation, and signal noise reduction.
Although well-mixed reactors are almost a norm in cell cultivation, tubular reactors are used in bioprocesses involving immobilized cells and immobilized enzymes, these bioreactors being distributed parameter systems. In view of this, the focus in this chapter is on lumped parameter systems. 1) with x denoting the set of variables which represent the status of the cell culture in the bioreactor, the so-called state variables, and u and d representing the set of external variables which indirectly influence the status of the cell culture, the so-called input variables.
Besides the liquid and solid phases, these reactors also have a gas phase, to provide oxygen to liquid culture in an aerobic bioprocess, to provide a blanket of an inert such as nitrogen in an anaerobic bioprocess, and to remove carbon dioxide (from the culture) generated as a product of cellular metabolism. Irrespective of the mode of operation with respect to culture, the bioreactors are always operated in continuous mode with respect to gas phase (gas phase continuously entering and leaving the reactor).