Download Beauty therapy : level 2 NVQ/SVQ diploma by Judith Ifould; Debbie Forsythe-Conroy; Maxine Whittaker; PDF

By Judith Ifould; Debbie Forsythe-Conroy; Maxine Whittaker; Dynamic Learning (Online service)
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You can offer the client the salon’s treatment price lists and/or product leaflets. Information should be as accurate and as helpful as possible. It should be offered in a caring and discreet manner. If you do not know the answer to a question, ask another member of staff. Providing help and support in the salon It is sometimes necessary to provide support for the therapists when they are very busy and falling behind with their appointments. You may be required to: ❧❧ liaise with the therapist and client, keeping them both informed of any delay ❧❧ tidy or prepare work areas ❧❧ provide coffee and magazines for the client.
31 Beauty Therapy Level 2 NVQ/SVQ Diploma Cash registers Computerised cash registers Computerised systems that incorporate records of stock levels and clients, for example, may be used in large salons. The computer is usually attached to an automatic till that records the transaction, stores the money and produces the client receipt. Some salons may also have a facility on the till to take debit and credit payment cards. Electric cash register UU Large salons have computerised cash registers that incorporate records of stock levels and client details An automatic electric till is used by most salons.
Date Time Treatment Therapist YU Example of an appointment card Remember… Allow extra time for new clients who require facial treatments, to give time for a full consultation. Specialist treatments such as masks may require longer and should be charged accordingly. Remember… The receptionist should know about: ❦❧ each treatment on the price list ❦❧ the time needed to carry out treatments ❦❧ the cost of treatments ❦❧ which retail products can be sold to clients after their treatment. 40 Chapter 2 Fulfil salon reception duties Abbreviation Meaning DNA did not attend C cancellation Tick client arrived Treatment Abbreviation Approximate timing Half-leg wax using warm wax 1/2/Leg cool 30 mins Underarm wax using hot wax U/a hot 15 mins Manicure with paraffin wax treatment Man/pw 1 hour Cleanse with evening make-up C/eve m/up 1 hour Eyelashes brow and tint LBT 30 mins Full body massage B/M 1 hour Eyebrow shape EBS 15 mins Manicure Man 45 mins Full leg wax, bikini, under arm FLW/bik/u/a 75 mins Facial Facial 60 mins Ear-piercing E/P 15 mins Pedicure Ped 50 mins YY Abbreviations and timings used in booking appointments Missed appointments Unfortunately it is quite common for people to make an appointment, and then not to turn up.