Download Benthic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the South Caribbean by H. M. Bolli, J.-P. Beckmann, J. B. Saunders PDF

By H. M. Bolli, J.-P. Beckmann, J. B. Saunders
This booklet provides an enormous info set for benthic foraminifera present in the vintage southern Caribbean zone. It assembles information on one thousand of an important species for the time span Cretaceous to Miocene (120 to ten million years ahead of present). Age levels are put in the framework of these used for planktic foraminifera present in Plankton Stratigraphy (Bolli et al., CUP, 1985). The taxa were cited thus far generically, and in lots of instances new comparisons between species were made--the past due Cretaceous and Early Paleogene are relatively distinct. this data, including specific illustrations, will let the taxa for use stratigraphically.
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BARRY RALEIGH CHAIRMAN Page ix CONTENTS Part I: Report of the Continental Margins Workshop 1 Executive Summary 3 1 Introduction 8 Impetus For The Workshop, 8 Organization And Support Of The Workshop, 9 Charges To The Working Groups, 10 2 Results Of The Workshop 12 Margin Processes: A New Rationale For Research Into Lithospheric Convergence And Divergence, 12 Future Directions For Research On Margin Processes: Requirements For Success, 19 3 Components Of A Margins Initiative 24 A New Approach For Margins Research, 24 A Margins Initiative Committee, 25 Planning Workshops, 25 Drafting A Scientific Plan, 25 Part II: Reports of the Working Groups 27 4 Passive Margins: Group 1 Mechanics Of Rifting And Associated Magmatism 29 Preamble, 29 The Single Most Important Scientific Objective, 33 Needed Studies, 35 5 Passive Margins: Group 2 Rift And Passive Margin BasinsThe Sedimentary Record 45 Preamble, 45 Background, 46 The Single Most Importance Scientific Objective, 48 Needed Studies, 53 Strategies Required To Achieve The Goals, 59 Page X 6 Passive Margins: Group 3 Divergent Continental MarginsPost-Rifting Internal Processes Summary, 61 Background, 62 The Single Most Important Scientific Objective, 64 Needed Studies, 78 Strategy Required to Achieve Goals, 71 Broader Implications, 71 Selected Bibliography, 72 7 Active Margins: Group 1 Dynamics of Short-Term Deformation at Active Margins 73 The Single Most Important Scientific Objective, 73 Three Major Areas for Investigation, 73 Needed Studies, 78 8 Active Margins: Group 2 Geologic Evolution of Active Continental Margins 85 The Single Most Important Scientific Objective, 85 Needed Studies, 91 9 Active Margins: Group 3 Mass and Chemical Transfer 95 Introduction, 95 Critical Problems, 97 Needed Studies, 105 10 Supplementary Note on Rock Mechanics Problems at Active Margins 109 Part III: Background Papers 113 Appendix: List of Participants 277 Page 1 PART I REPORT OF THE CONTINENTAL MARGINS WORKSHOP Page 3 Executive Summary Overview The geology of continents is to a large degree the geology of continental margins.
Once a melt is generated, water influences the petrologic evolution of the melt, and the development of major ore deposits (porphyry copper, molybdenum, and gold). Fluid pressures also influence seismicity. Subducted fluids clearly affect, and perhaps even control, the tectonics at convergent margins. Fluids also play an important role in the accretionary prism. Overpressured fluids are probably required to reduce the sediment shear strength sufficiently to maintain the shape of the accretionary prism.
Studies of trace element and isotope systematics in igneous rocks have produced a set of tools for monitoring the fluxes of mantle, crust, and sediment at volcanic arcs and at magmatically active rifts. 7. Advances in the understanding of continental margin depositional systems and the formation of large-scale stratigraphy sequences now allow us to extract from the stratigraphic record a detailed history of past climate and tectonism. These advances have led us to the brink of a new era in our understanding of continental margins.