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By A. J. Spencer
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Some graves at Tell el- Ya hudieh 2 23 had vault ed br ick covering, probably similar to those found m ore rece ntly at Tell Da'ba, which may mean th at this ty pe was not uncommon in the Delta during th e Hyksos period. At Theb es, th e tombs of th e kings of the Seventeen th Dyn asty stood in the Asastf region, 224 but the y ha ve been so co mpletel y destroyed that t heir stru cture cann ot be examined. It is kno wn, however, that they h ad pyramidal superstruct ures o f bric k, the cons truction of wh ich would in all pr obabili ty have been very similar to the New KingdIIc tom bs of the same form~2S SUMMARY - SECOND INTERMEDIATE PERIOD Location Bond s Used Yodud ieh: Tell D Q'ba: Dashur: Ho' Brick Size s(cm) Not es x l , A1 Brick vault ed graves.
Near the base of the sto ne wall Jeq uier fou nd tr aces o f a wall of the sinuso idal type, 17 8 as exists at the '-b zg}luneh pyramids (Sec above ). This led Jeq uier to suggest tha i the sinusoi dal brick wall was built to keep sand off the site during the construction o f the bu rial pit. and was replaced by a more imp ressive stone wall if time pe rmitted. 1'79 Unkno wn Pyramid (S. Soqqarat. TIle bri cks of t he pyram id arc all laid as hea ders, and present some variation in size. as the following exam ples show: 40 x 2 1 x i 2cm, 44 x 22 x IJ cm, and 42 x 23 x l Zcm.
26) It seems most likely th at th e cour se of stone blo cks was laid First. then the brickwork built up inside it to the same level, followed by the laying of the next course of stone, and so on. until the structure was com plet e. Some of the bricks bor e marks similar to the qua rry marks seen on the masonry of sto ne pyramids, an d De Morgan suggeste d that th e marks denoted the p roduc ts of different royal bric kya rds. 1M', To the South of the pyramid en closur e there was a boat grave in a large tre nch in the ground.