Download Cannabinoids as Therapeutics (Milestones in Drug Therapy) by Raphael Mechoulam PDF

By Raphael Mechoulam
Just a couple of years in the past the endocannabinoid method was once unknown. this present day we're acutely aware that endocannabinoids are desirous about the various services of the mammalian physique - in neuroprotection, urge for food and suckling, ache, replica, anxiousness, reminiscence, bone formation and so on. This quantity offers an up to date photograph of a few of the main fields of endocannabinoid examine. It summarizes the activities of the endocannabinoids on a number of physiological structures and opens new healing home windows to quite a few diseases.The first bankruptcy, at the use of hashish in India, could be seen as an expression of due to the natural practitioners, who for hundreds of years handed at the clinical traditions linked to the drug. The bankruptcy on chemistry is a quick precis of lively plant, man made and endogenous cannabinoids being investigated this day, a lot of that are pointed out later within the ebook. Cannabidiol is an strange cannabinoid - it doesn't bind to the recognized receptors and but exerts quite a few results. for this reason a bankruptcy is dedicated to it. extra chapters care for the endocannabinoid method and the endocannabinoids in quite a few stipulations and physiological platforms. The concluding bankruptcy describes the study performed on Sativex®, a standardized plant extract, almost immediately to be brought in Canada as a drug for a number of sclerosis.The meant viewers is drug researchers (medicinal chemists, pharmacologists, clinicians), neuroscientists, physiologists, and clinicians drawn to the impact of the endocannabinoid approach in quite a few physiological platforms.
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Example text
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 301: 1020–1024 Cannabinoids as Therapeutics Edited by R. Mechoulam © 2005 Birkhäuser Verlag/Switzerland 23 Cannabinoid chemistry: an overview Lumír O. Hanusˇ and Raphael Mechoulam Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, Medical Faculty, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ein Kerem Campus, 91120 Jerusalem, Israel Introduction Cannabis sativa probably originates from neolithic China [1]. However the exact period of its domestication is unknown. The first known record of the use of cannabis as a medicine was published in China 5000 years ago in the reign of the Emperor Chen Nung.
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