Download Chemical Process Simplification: Improving Productivity and by Girish K. Malhotra PDF

By Girish K. Malhotra
Whereas emphasizing conservation and sustainable thoughts, this e-book presents steps to enhance the producing applied sciences utilized in developing items. via simplifying the chemistry, technique improvement, production practices and tactics, the publication presents a established method of generating caliber items with little waste, making the method not just effective yet environmentally pleasant. Illustrated with case stories, this can be an important source for chemical engineers, chemists, plant engineers, and working group of workers in any chemical similar companies.
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In addition, the product from the batch process had a wide particle-size distribution. Some of the rationale and the development method for a continuous latex process are discussed in another chapter. Waste Paint Paint companies, in addition to inventories of off-spec paint, accumulate significant quantities of waste paint. Waste paint is an accumulation of customer returns, poor color matching, outdated paint, and damage at the warehouse. Appropriate disposition of this paint has been and contin- PROCESS SOLUTIONS 23 ues to be a challenge.
Along with yield and productivity improvement, significant waste reduction was achieved. 10 Block flow diagram of existing process. 12 Use of an external heat exchanger with coatings disperser. USE OF HEAT EXCHANGER IN THE MANUFACTURE OF COATINGS In the manufacture of liquid blends, cooling of batch during the grinding operation is not routine. However, with stringent environmental laws, the need to control the temperature during the grinding to reduce evaporation of volatile organics is becoming an increasing necessity.
Review the dissolution process to see if the time can be reduced, which will result in lower solvent losses. In addition to reducing the cycle time, it is necessary to keep the batch temperature as low as possible. This can be achieved by installing a heat exchanger that will maintain the batch temperature close to ambient, thereby minimizing solvent loss. Two types of heat exchangers can be used to control the temperature. Options are an immersion-plate heat exchanger in the tank or a jacket or external-plate heat exchanger attached to the straight side of the reactor.