Download Chronic Depression: Interpersonal Sources, Therapeutic by Jeremy W Pettit PDF
By Jeremy W Pettit
N this hugely readable quantity, the authors survey the interpersonal resources of persistent melancholy, discussing interpersonal tactics (stress new release, detrimental feedback-seeking, interpersonal clash avoidance, and blame upkeep, between others) that bring about the upkeep of melancholy.
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These rewards serve to maintain depressive cognition and behavior, and thereby increase depression chronicity (chap. 7). The final process, blame maintenance, is a truly interpersonal phenomenon, in that other people, not the depression-prone person, are maintaining blame of the depression-prone person, somewhat independent of the latter's actions. , perceived criticism from close others; Hooley & Teasdale, 1989) is a quite strong predictor of depression chronicity, it would be unsurprising if blame maintenance were implicated in the persistence and recurrence of depression (chap.
Wells, Rogers, Burnam, & Greenfield, 1991). Rather, the increased cost derived from increased utilization of health care services. Even when improvement in depression had occurred 1 year later, the costs associated with the care of formerly depressed patients had not decreased substantially. The burden of depression on those who have it and on society is clear. It is disturbing that the amount of money spent on depression research pales compared with that spent for conditions that cause similar or lower levels of distress and impairment.
Joe seemed inclined to discuss his relationship history in therapy, and his therapist agreed that would be a profitable route to pursue. Joe described how he was initially attracted to his "ex" because he "felt alive" around her. That is, she was exciting, flashy, and spontaneous ("lived on the edge"), and being around her tended to bring him at least temporary relief from his feelings of anhedonia and lethargy. Her freewheeling nature, frequent partying, and spending sprees sometimes made Joe feel uneasy, but he explained that he was willing to tolerate those excesses to NEGATIVE FEEDBACK-SEEKING 45 enjoy the benefits of their relationship.