Download Deltas: Sites and Traps for Fossil Fuels (Geological Society by Michael K. G. Whateley, K. T. Pickering PDF

By Michael K. G. Whateley, K. T. Pickering
This quantity of 23 papers, comprising many elements of recent and historical deltaic sedimentary structures, is meant as an outline of this topic for using scholars, lecturers and researchers alike.
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E. Farrow sandy foreset beds as a result of oversteepening or overloading and (ii) rarer but more catastrophic failures within finer-grained prodelta sediments. In the former, numerous small-scale (103106 m 3) failures continually maintain a constant slope. In the latter, slides recur at intervals of decades or centuries and as solitary or nearcontemporaneous events (a number of slides within a few years). The initial release mechanism for the more catastrophic failures is through the action of earthquakes where excess pore pressure is rapidly released and large volumes of sediment (106-109 m 3) are mobilized (Syvitski et al.
Basinfloor slides commonly influence, or are influenced by, sediment failures along the basin margins. Our first example is from outer Clark Fiord, Baffin Island (Fig. 10), where three slide complexes have reshaped the basin floor. The first and second complexes (Fig. 10) were generated from Quaternary sediment sliding along Precambrian basement slopes of about 3~. q 0 " ~ ~ o . ~ 34 J. P. M. Syvitski & G. E. ~ "~ < ~ 35 Fjord sedimentation as analoguefor fan deltas CLARK FIORD RETROGRESSIVE SLIDE SEQUENCE SLIDE #1 SLIDE #11 N , J SLIDE #111 , /o v ~SE~'~c%~ ~ LOCAL SLUMP O~~ ~ '~" ' ~ ~ b ~ TOEj - & O ~ .
FAULT 9 .............. ~ . ~-~-:: J'~t----~:---~--~--~:":'~d";IL- - - #4....... , ~' " I N T E R P R E T A T I O N OF H U N T E C / SLIDE BLOCK CONTORTED BEDS / CLARK FIORD , " " 20 ~ 30 | . q. ~ - - HUNTEC . e. = 20x (km) FIG. 10. 66 L air-gun and high resolution HUNTEC | DTS reflection seismic records. basement 'sills' where beds were compressed into massive slump toes. Up-slope pull-apart or caudal depressions were formed. 8 ~ The block translation never exceeded 500 m and occurred along very low angle (10-3 ~ listric faults.