Download Fachenglisch für Gesundheitsberufe: Physiotherapie, by Sandra Schiller, Christina Kritter, Judith Holzknecht, PDF

By Sandra Schiller, Christina Kritter, Judith Holzknecht, Barbara Mohr-Modes

Das Fachenglisch-Lehrbuch f?r die drei therapeutischen Berufsgruppen vermittelt Ihnen den f?r Ihren Berufsalltag relevanten Wortschatz, das Fachvokabular zu typischen Krankheitsbildern der drei Bereiche und Fachdisziplinen ?bergreifende Informationen ?ber die verschiedenen Gesundheitssysteme in den angels?chsischen L?ndern und m?gliche Arbeitssituationen. Didaktische Schwerpunkte sind u.a. das Aneignen und Vertiefen eines vielseitigen Fachwortschatzes, mehr Sprach-Fitness in der Kommunikation mit englischsprachigen Kollegen, ?rzten und Patienten, mehr "Durchblick" im Umgang mit englischsprachigen Fachtexten, mehr Sicherheit im Aufbereiten und Pr?sentieren von Fach- und Wissenschaftsthemen.

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Example text

Rezept, Verschreibung U. sickness benefits 1 24 1 2 3 Unit 1 · Health and Health Care 22. Schutzimpfung V. solidarity principle 23. Solidaritätsprinzip W. statutory health insurance 24. Sozialgesetzbuch V X. to be in need of nursing care 25. Überweisung Y. vaccination 26. Zusatzversicherung Z. voluntary health insurance 4 Simulation Task 5 – Imagine meeting a colleague from another country at a conference who has never been to Germany before and wants to find out about your health care system. Get together with a partner and practise asking and answering questions about health care in Germany.

You envisage a bright future for therapists: considering the ageing population the profession has an ever-growing clientele. In the future your profession could also concentrate more on the area of health promotion, instructing people to keep in shape and not develop certain health problems. b) You can understand that there is a need to reduce public spending on costly treatments. You are able to make some suggestions on how money can be saved without introducing strict budgets for the therapeutic treatment of certain diseases.

3. Statement: The unique sound of the voice is influenced by personality, the physical body and context. A change in even one of these factors will directly impact the others. Discuss. 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Auscultation of the Lungs } The auscultation of the chest describes the process of listening to the sounds produced within the lungs and their analysis by using a stethoscope. The auscultation of the chest is generally carried out in a quiet environment. The patient is requested to breathe in and out deeply with his or her mouth open.

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