Download Fundamentals of Foods, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 5th by Somati R. Mudambi, M.V. Rajagopala PDF

By Somati R. Mudambi, M.V. Rajagopala

Compatible for college students learning the 1st direction in foodstuff technological know-how and nutrients, this name comprises vitamin remedy.

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The RDA for protein is based on 1 g per kg body weight. It does not vary with activity. The RDA for minerals is much less, calcium is 400 mg per day for both man and woman, while iron is only 28 to 30 milligrammes per day. As you know, a milligramme is one thousandth part of a gramme. An adult woman needs more iron than a man, to make up for the periodic loss of iron in menstruation. The five water-soluble vitamins, namely thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid, are needed in very small amounts and their RDAs are expressed in milligrammes.

To provide basis for food distribution quota. 3. To guide agricultural planning policy. 4. To guide policy of food export and import. 5. To guide planning of nutritionally adequate diets for inmates of large catering establishments such as hospitals, hostels, hotels, army canteens, etc. 6. To evaluate the findings of food consumption surveys of population groups. 1: Energy and protein needs vary with age and occupation. In practical nutrition classes, the recommended dietary allowances are often used for planning or checking the adequacy of food intake of individuals, or of a given diet plan.

By the time it reaches the jejunum, almost all the protein is absorbed. Only one per cent of digested protein is excreted in the faeces. Some amino acids, which remain in the epithelial cells, are used in the synthesis of new cells and intestinal enzymes. The endogenous protein released internally (by breaking down of epithelial cells and intestinal secretions) is digested and absorbed from the small intestine along with that ingested in the diet. Lipids The stomach lipase does act on emulsified fats in milk, cream, butter and egg yolk, but most of the hydrolysis of fats takes place in the small intestine.

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