Download Invisible Loyalties: Reciprocity in Intergenerational Family by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy; Geraldine M. Spark PDF

By Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy; Geraldine M. Spark

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Various forms of stress, including physical, emotional, chemical or environmental trauma, can and do interfere with the organized function of these reflex systems. Ferreri’s technique, Neural Organization Technique (NOT), was a synthesis of AK and SOT. Early in its development, the organizational effect of NOT on the nervous system was recognized as successfully influencing the treatment of dyslexia/learning difficulties. A specific deficit in the vestibular (balance) and ocular (visual) reflex system was found to be present in this condition.

Bérard invented a device called an audiokinetron to exercise the ear. The audiokinetron randomizes and filters the frequencies from music and sends these sounds into the patient’s ears through headphones. This enables a person’s perception of hearing to be retrained. Some people have different hearing levels in each ear. Others can have hearing problems which include hypersensitivity to certain frequencies. When right and left ears perceive sounds in different ways this can lead to poor sound discrimination, resulting in learning difficulties.

191–2. Reproduced with permission. Tomatis In 1982 Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French ear, nose and throat specialist, invented a device called the Electronic Ear. Tomatis used this device to normalize hearing and the way the brain processes information. He believed that the root cause of many learning difficulties was due to the way we listen and if we did not listen ‘properly’ we could have impaired hearing, which in turn could lead to dyslexia. He went on to develop a highly effective technique to remedy this problem.

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