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By Lynn Phillips

Guide of I.V. Therapeutics, 4th variation, is a self-paced e-book designed to assist the scholar, beginner, or complex practitioner in any atmosphere the place infusion-related talents are worthy. This new version maintains to stress criteria of perform utilizing the ideas of the Occupational protection and future health management (OSHA), Intravenous Nursing Society (INS) and facilities for ailment keep an eye on and Prevention (CDC). to assist your scholars organize for the CRNI examination, we contain a CD-ROM with four hundred multiple-choice overview questions with solutions and rationales.

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A breach of standards of care or failure to carry out that duty must be proven. 3. The patient must suffer actual harm or injury. 4. There must be a causal relationship between the breach of duty and the injury suffered (O’Keefe, 2000). NURSING FAST FACTS! If an act of malpractice does not create harm, legal action cannot be initiated. Coercion of a rational adult patient to place an intravenous catheter constitutes assault and battery. The rule of personal liability is “every person is liable for his own tortuous conduct” (his own wrongdoing).

Loss control consists of preventive and protective activities that are performed before, during, and after losses are incurred. Risk management involves all medical and facility staff. It provides for the review and analysis of risk and liability sources involving patients, visitors, staff, and facility property. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Risk assessment takes different approaches depending on available information. Some assessments look back to try to assess effects after an event.

V. Therapy American Association of Blood Banking (AABB) Evidence-Based Practice Current trends in nursing reflect an emphasis on evidence-based practice. The goal of evidence-based nursing (EBN) is to apply valid and reliable nursing research to clinical practice. A further goal is to bring the most current knowledge to clinicians. This is particularly important in light of the knowledge explosion in nursing and health care (Sisk, 2002). Sources of information for clinical decision making include textbooks, journals, bibliographic databases, distilled information presented in the journal Evidence-Based Nursing, and Internet sites.

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