Download Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson by David Gordon, Maribeth Meyers-Anderson PDF

By David Gordon, Maribeth Meyers-Anderson

David Gordon has written a ebook that turns out to have performed whatever the others in this comparable topic haven't; he has made the fundamental styles of Milton Erickson really easy to copy and USE. whereas I doubt that easily examining and utilizing this publication will creat Erickson clones, the styles Gordon offers WILL let you use your individual talents to the fullest. An stress-free learn.

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This painstaking bringing-to-light of the past would be justified if such knowledge brought about the desired changes. It is our experience, however, that the mere knowledge of the origin of an emotional problem rarely results in a "cure". It may provide useful information for the therapist, and perhaps temporary relief through catharsis, but in and of itself does little more than satisfy a client's curiosity. When in our private practice clients congruently request a conscious understanding of the historical forces underlying their present difficulties we sometimes explore the question with them until they are satisfied.

Walked over and picked up the radio, reached inside, and hauled it out. The radio and intercom are forms of communication and Betty thinks in a straight line. And I think every therapist ought to become acquainted with straight line thinking, and, oh . . what do you call it? . scattered thinking!! A basic requirement for successful therapy is trust. Most individuals do not enter into therapy lightly. Rather it is usually an important and momentous step accompanied by frets about appearing a failure, foolish, awful, or "naked" before another person.

People seem to cling much more tenaciously to their beliefs than to the behaviors connected with those beliefs. Certainly as many people have been killed in the name of "peace" as in the name of "hate", for example. It seems, then, that your clients will be much more amenable to engaging in new behaviors when your mirroring of the content of their model of the world reassures them that you share it, and are preserving that model through your interventions. In this next case Erickson again simply accepts the content of the client's beliefs regarding his situation and then demonstrates that acceptance in the content of his own communications.

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