Download Psychotherapy and Phenomenology: On Freud, Husserl and by Ian Rory Owen PDF

By Ian Rory Owen

This booklet is a scholarly mongraph on Sigmund Freud's knowing of the fundamentals of psychotherapy idea and perform from the viewpoint of phenomenology. prime phenomenologists, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, are selected to make an appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of Freud's interpretation of speaking and pertaining to with others. Heidegger is then in comparison to Husserl to provide a place that retains a spotlight on intentionality but accepts the certainty provided by way of hermeneutics. This paintings is correct to psychotherapists, philosophers and philosophically-interested human scientists who price qualitative ways to which means.

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Phenomenology is about consciousness and its lived experiences. Yet how one’s own consciousness works never fully appears to oneself and many of its objects are preconscious, in Freud’s sense, at any specific moment. Freud was right, and Husserl would have agreed, that the objects of awareness can be descriptively unconscious. There is nothing wrong with the use of the word “unconscious” to mean objects that are not currently conscious. But to believe that something unconscious ‘causes’ a new conscious awareness for clients does not mean that unconscious senses exist in anything other than the descriptive sense that has just been defined.

It means that practice operates through understanding the type of activities that create problems. It means understanding psychological objects and intentionality with clients and working with them to create changes. If there were inaccurate understanding of psychological problems, there could be no hope of successful treatment. Talking is the medium for relating to clients in all therapy. Talk will be given the major attention in this work. The talking therapies have a considerable attention on relating as well, in a twofold sense.

But something stops them effecting change, even when they know precisely what it is that would bring them pleasure and satisfaction. For some unknown reason, they cannot or will not look after their needs. This sense of the unknown or inexplicable is a useful sense but it is not the one that Freud invoked. So when there is difficulty for clients in looking after themselves, difficulty or unwillingness in putting in the effort to make changes and get control of wellunderstood issues—there a concept of the unknown can help.

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