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By Poston G.J.
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Literature review and discussion of mechanisms. Gastroenterology 1975; 48:524–9 44. Newcombe JF, Henley FA. Left sided gallbladder. A review of the literature and a report of a case associated with hepatic duct carcinoma. Arch Surg 1964; 88: 494–7 45. Kune GA. The influence of structure and function in the surgery of the biliary tract. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1970; 47:78–91 46. Northover JMA, Terblanche J. A new look at the arterial blood supply of the bile duct in man and its surgical implications.
Successful removal of liver metastasis from carcinoma of the rectum. Lehey Clin Bull 1940; 2:7–11 19. Wangensteen OH. The surgical resection of gastric cancer with special reference to: (1) the closed method of gastric resection; (2) coincidental hepatic resection; and (3) preoperative and postoperative management. Arch Surg 1943; 46:879–906 20. Keen WW. Report of a case of resection of the liver for the removal of a neoplasm with a table of seventy six cases of resection of the liver for hepatic tumor .
The falciform ligament is then dissected to the IVC and the lesser omentum incised close to the liver. Opening the left coronary ligament Surgical Management of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders 12 allows ligation of the inferior phrenic vein. The caudate veins to the IVC are now exposed and can be divided between ligatures as they run up the back of the caudate lobe. After the hilar plate is lowered to expose the right and left portal pedicles, the portal inflow to both the right and left caudate segments can be identified, ligated and divided.