Download The Play's the Thing: Exploring Text in Drama and Therapy by Marina Jenkyns PDF

By Marina Jenkyns

Marina Jenkyns conveys the buzz of operating therapeutically with dramatic textual content although a private and hugely readable research of performs from numerous sessions and cultures. encouraged by way of the theories of Winnicott and Klein she lays naked the dynamics of relationships and plots to teach how they are often used to aid us comprehend our personal relationships to one another and the realm round us. This hugely leading edge textual content integrates healing perform and literature in an attractive and not easy publication to be able to carry the eye of a large viewers. This ebook comprises new rules for dramatherapy perform, theatre administrators and academics.

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Unconsciously he is already able to draw on this as we have just seen. We are now moving into a position where we can see how the rehearsal process of the play within the play illustrates the concept of aesthetic distance as an active agent for change. In Act II, Scene 5, the cast is rehearsing. They are interrupted by the officers Ross and Campbell. ’ The senior officers’ response is to proceed to taunt the players, abuse and degrade them. Sideway is picked on first and is ordered to take off his shirt and expose his back to the assembled company.

She is split off from that part of herself. In role she is able to contact and represent it; Silvia can ‘stand in’ for it. Gradually she can get to know it and introject it, almost without realizing that she is doing so. Thus we see that the process of dramatic role-playing involves a kind of dialogue between two parts of the personality – what is being sent out, or projected, is then able to be brought back in and reassimilated through the process of introjection. 34 PLAYING WHERE TWO WORLDS MEET We also saw how Liz Morden, through the process of being able to be in the play and therefore be creative, and through receiving the faith and sup port of her fellow convicts and Ralph, was able to introject enough goodness from the environment to be able to say ‘yes’ to life rather than to despair, which would have been to collude with the anti-life aspect of that environment.

Denial and idealization Destructive instincts and internal persecutors are defended against by two other mechanisms, often existing in relation to one another, denial and idealization. When Othello realizes he has killed Desdemona on false accusation he says that he has ‘loved not wisely but too well’ (Act V, Scene 2: 345). In other words he has idealized her, not seen her as a whole person, denied himself the fullness of her personality. And she has done this too: my heart’s subdued Even to the utmost pleasure of my lord: I saw Othello’s visage in my mind, And to his honours, and his valiant parts Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate.

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