Download Trends in complex analysis, differential geometry, and by Bulgaria) International Workshop on Complex Structures, PDF

By Bulgaria) International Workshop on Complex Structures, Vector Fields (6th 2002 Varna, Dimiev S., Sekigawa K.

This can be a collection of John von Neumann's papers and excerpts from his books which are so much attribute of his job. The publication is equipped by means of the categorical topics - quantum mechanics, ergodic thought, operator algebra, hydrodynamics, economics, desktops, technology and society. The sections are brought by means of brief explanatory notes with an emphasis on fresh advancements according to von Neumann's contributions. An total photo is equipped by means of Ulam's 1958 memorial lecture. Facsimilae and translations of a few of his own letters and a newly accomplished bibliography in line with von Neumann's personal cautious compilation are extra actual Analytic virtually complicated Manifolds (L. N. Apostolova); Involutive Distributions of Codimension One in Kahler Manifolds (G. Ganchev); 3 Theorems on Isotropic Immersion (S. Maeda); at the Meilikhson Theorem (M. S. Marinov); Curvature Tensors on virtually touch Manifolds with B-Metric (G. Nakova); advanced buildings and the Quark Confinement (I. B. Pestov); Curvature Operators within the Relativity (V. Videv, Y. Tsankov); On Integrability of virtually Quaternionic Manifolds (A. Yamada); and different papers

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Z^c1 , ,C",^0-/((^, ,^ m ,C 1 , ,C n , if(2 : ,_ ,^ m ,C 1 , ,C n ,z,0 e ^ Thus u*(u'+w") =_u*(w) From fix/) is (5, $1 )-acychc and the above result we get that ft/ is (9, di )-acychc This ends the proof D Corollary 1 Witfz the notations from the Theorem I if ft x £>m " is (d,di) acyclic for all m n > 0 tfzen ft/ x Dm " is (d,8i) acyclic for all m n > 0 Proof Let us consider g((z, ,z,(, , (,z, ()) = f ( ( z , ,z,(, ,())and mn ft' = ft x D Then from the Theorem 1 and from the above consideration we get that ft/ x Dm " = ft'9 This ends the proof D References 1 Bartocci C Bruzzo U Hernandez Ruiperez D The Geometry of Supe manifolds Mathematics and Its Applications Volume 71 1 99 1 2 Berezm FA The method of second quantization Academic Press New York 1966 3 Bruzzo U Cianci R Class Quantum Grav 1 213(1984) 4 Dewitt B Supermamfolds Cambridge Univ Press Cambridge London 1984 5 Inoue A Maeda Y Foundations of Calculus on Supereuchdean Space based on a Frechet Grassmann Algebra Kodai Math J 14(1991) 6 Jadczyk A Pilch K Commun Math Phys 78 373(1981) 7 Kobayashi S Nomizu K Foundations of Differential Geometry (I) Interscience New York London 1963 8 Kostant B Graded manifolds Graded Lie Theory and Prequantizatwn Lect Notes in Math no 570 Springer Verlag 1977 9 Leites D A Introduction to the theory ot supermamfolds Kuss Math Surv 35 (1980) 1-64 10 Manin Yu I Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics 289 Springer Verlag 1988 1 1 Narasimhan R Analysis on Real and Complex Manifolds Elsevier Science Publish ersSV Theta Foundation Publishing House Bucharest 2001 OKA S THEOREM 29 12 Rogers A A global theory of supermamtolds J Math Phys 21(6) 1352-1365 June 1980 13 Graded Manifolds Supermamtolds and Infinite Dimensional Grassmann Al gebras Commun Math Phys 105 375-384(1986) 14 Rudin W Real and complex analysis Third Edition 1987 1974 1966 by McGraw Hill Inc 15 Scheunert M The theory of Lie superalgebras Lect Notes in Math no 716 Springer Verlag 1979 INVOLUTIVE DISTRIBUTIONS OF CODIMENSION ONE IN KAEHLER MANIFOLDS * G GANCHEV Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Acad G Bonchev Str bl 8 1113 Sofia Bulgaria E mail ganchev@math has bg In the present paper we study involutive distributions of codimension one in a Kahler mam fold and their integral submamfolds which carry a natural almost contact Riemanman structure Seven basic geometric classes of involutive distributions are obtained with respect to the struc tural group U(n — 1) x 7(2) Some basic classes of involutive distributions are characterized in terms of the almost contact Riemanman structure of their integral submamfolds 1 Preliminaries Let (M, g, 77) be an n dimensional Riemanman manifold with unit 1-form rj The Lie algebra of all C^-vector fields on M will be denoted by XM and TPM will stand for the tangent space to M at any point p 6 M The unit vector field £ corresponding to the 1 form rj is determined by g(£, X) = r)(X) X e XM The distribution A associated with r\ is given by A(p) = [x e TPM | r)(x) = 0}, p€M The fundamental structures (g, rj) on M generate the following ortogonal decom position of the tangent spaces TPM = A(p) ® span {£}, p e M This implies the structural group of the manifold (M, g, 77) is O(n - 1) x 1 As a rule X Y will stand for vectors in TPM p E M (vector fields in XM) and x y will denote vectors in A(p) p e M (vector fields in A"A) For any vector X we have the unique decomposition This research is financially supported by Contract No 136/2002 L Karavelov Civil Engineering Higher School Keywords involutive distribution of codimension one real hypersurface of a Kahler manifold MS classification SICS1* 30 INVOLUTIVE DISTRIBUTIONS Of CODIMENSION ONE 31 In this paper we consider involutive distributions A i e x,y

With L > n where C L = (C L ) 0 © (CL)! [15] Definition 1 ([13]) A function / Cz,m ™ -> CL is called a superholomorphic or superdifferentiable function if there exist /M € ~H(Cm, C) holomorphic functions such that where Mn - { (/ui, , pn) 1 < Mi < < Mn < « } [8] As it follows in [8] for each /x in ML and Keywords superholomorphic functions superforms supervector space complex superholomorphic supermamtolds Mathematics Subject Classification (1991) 58ASO 24 OKA S THEOREM 25 a typical element b of CL may be expressed as 6= where the coefficients V are complex numbers With the norm on CL defined by ii&ii = E 1^ CL is a Banach algebra [12] Let M be a Hausdorff topological space [13] (a) An (m, n) chart on M over CL is a pair (U, ip) with [/ an open set of M and i/j a homeomorphism of U onto an open subset of CL™ n (b) An (m,n) superholomorphic structure on M over CL is a collection {({/«, Va) | a € A} of (m, n) charts on M such that (/) M = U a gAf^a and (//) for each pair a fl in A the mapping ip/j o ^a"1 is a superholomorphic function of ^a(Uar\U/3) ontoipp(Uaf~lUp) (III) the collection {(f/ Q , i/}a) | a e A} is a maximal collection of open charts for which (/) and (//) hold Definition 2 ([13]) An (m, n) dimensional complex superholomorphic supermanifold over CL is a Hausdorff topological space M with an (m,n) holomor phic structure over CL Example 1 CL™ ™ is an (m, n) dimensional complex superholomorphic super manifold For a given (m, n)-dimensional supermamfold M, there is a natural projection onto an underlying m-dimensional conventional manifold M0 A supermamfold is said to be simply connected if that is the case for its underlying manifold Definition 3 ([4]) A subset M' of a complex superholomorphic supermamfold M of dimension (m, n) is called a complex superholomorphic sub-supermamfold of dimension (m',n') m > m' n > n' if M' is contained in the union of a set {(U, VO} of charts each of which has the property that for all (z, C) € U n M' V(*,0 = O*1.

9 22 , - DO The equality (16) implies that M2 is a minimal surface in En (H = 0) iff a = 1, ,n-2 Now we shall find the conditions under which the normal mean curvature vector H is a geometric normal of M2 Since (ba)u (ba)v € Span{zu,z,,} then from (16) it follows that Hu Hv e Span{zu, zv} iff 0, ; (o? 1 +a?

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