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By Jacqueline Low

This booklet offers a particular sociological inquiry into the views and social matters surrounding using substitute treatments. Dr. Low provides the studies of twenty-one Canadians who use substitute techniques to health and wellbeing care. Her examine foregrounds the lay point of view by utilizing a symbolic interactionist technique, which emphasises participants? personal figuring out of fact as a foundation for his or her activities. Dr. Low analyses how and why the contributors within the learn got here to take advantage of substitute treatments; the ideologies informing the versions of overall healthiness and therapeutic they espouse; the influence those ideals have on them, and the results in their stories for Canadian wellbeing and fitness care coverage.

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While two examples are not enough to draw definitive conclusions, when coupled with the lack of use of the concept of complementary by all other lay users who participated in this study, they are enough to seriously question the wholesale use of the concept in describing individuals’ use of alternative and/or dual use of allopathic and alternative therapies. Furthermore, those informants who identified as alternative practitioners did not use the concept of complementary as a synonym for alternative therapy, as is seen in a great deal of the relevant literature (Furnham and Beard 1995; Furnham and Bhagrath 1993; Furnham and Kirkcaldy 1996; Furnham et al.

In fact, it can be easier than trying to access an allopathic specialist without a referral from a general practitioner, or than acquiring a family doctor in many parts of Canada today. Further, while the right to diagnose, prescribe, and dispense is controlled by doctors, pharmacists, and other health care professionals (Torrance 1998), lay people are able to prescribe and administer alternative remedies on their own authority. As Richard tells us, “I tried things. ” And Laura said, “I use herbalism mostly because it’s easier to access.

20 | Using Alternative Therapies: A Qualitative Analysis Furthermore, any attempt to classify people as users of alternative therapies on the basis of non-use of allopathic medicine is problematic, since rarely, if ever, do people participate in alternative therapies to the exclusion of biomedicine,3 and all the people who took part in this research made use of both alternative and allopathic health care. Another aspect of this problem is whether or not people are exclusively lay users or also practitioners of alternative therapies.

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