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By Helen O'Grady

Woman's dating with Herself explores the connection ladies have with themselves and demonstrates how this dating is usually ruled via debilitating practices of self-surveillance. utilising Foucault's concept of panoptical energy, Helen O'Grady illuminates the hyperlink among this sort of self-surveillance and the wider mechanisms of social regulate, arguing that those unfavorable practices hinder girls from having fun with a lovely, maintaining dating with themselves. Cultural elements that render ladies liable to dissatisfying self-relations are pointed out and analysed and, drawing at the insights of Foucault, feminism and narrative remedy, the chances for constructing a extra empowering courting with the self are tested. This leading edge contribution to feminist debates approximately gender and the self might be of curiosity to scholars and researchers in social psychology, feminist psychology, psychological future health reviews and gender reviews, and to practitioners in mental remedies and counselling psychology.

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While the sexual abuse of children provides a particularly stark example of misplaced social blame, women also frequently are held responsible when male violence is perpetrated on them. All such blaming practices serve to reinforce the gender-enlarged self-doubt commonly experienced by women. SELF-POLICING PRACTICES the rigorous and meticulous self-surveillance, the various selfpunishments of the body [mind and spirit] for . . 7 (White, 1995, p. 45) It is not hard to see how training in over-responsibility for others, within the historical context of subordination, renders women vulnerable to heightened experiences of self-policing.

In the Australian context, Aboriginal magistrate Pat O'Shane points to the ongoing crisis characterizing the lives of many indigenous families and communities as a direct result of colonization. One of the aspects 36 GENDER AND SELF-POLICING of this legacy has been the internalization of negative characteristics attributed to indigenous people as a standard part of the colonizing process (O'Shane, 1993, pp. 197±198). Some Aboriginal Australians have described the experience of feeling shamed by the gaze of white culture as entailing feelings of embarrassment, disgrace and humiliation (Reclaiming Our Stories, Reclaiming Our Lives, 1995, pp.

The effectiveness of self-policing seems to lie in its ability to grasp individuals at the very level of self-understanding and the norms governing identity formation (Sawicki, 1998, pp. 94±95). This means that when a person fails to conform to accepted identity modes, aspects, or even the whole, of their sense of self can be experienced as ``wrong''. For instance, a lesbian or gay person in a society dominated by heterosexism is likely to be acutely aware of the lack of societal af®rmation of her or his sexuality, all the more so if she or he is not connected to a supportive gay/lesbian/bi-/ transsexual community.

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