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By M. Braunovic, et al.,

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Differences While this book explains how to use Linux from a graphical interface and from the command line (a textual interface), A Practical Guide to Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Second Edition, works exclusively with the command Features of This Book xliii line and covers Mac OS X in addition to Linux. It includes full chapters on the vim and emacs editors, as well as chapters on the gawk pattern processing language, the sed stream editor, and the rsync secure copy utility.

Mark, your comments and direction are invaluable; this book would not exist without your help. Thank you, Mark T. The production people at Prentice Hall are wonderful to work with: Julie Nahil, Full-Service Production Manager, worked with me day-by-day during production of this book providing help and keeping everything on track, while John Fuller, Managing Editor, kept the large view in focus. Thanks to Bob Campbell and Linda Seifert, Proofreaders, who made each page sparkle and found the mistakes the author left behind.

Netscape, for example, was available for Linux from the start and included Java support before it was available from many commercial vendors. Its sibling Mozilla/Thunderbird/ Firefox is now a viable browser, mail client, and newsreader, performing many other functions as well. Platforms Linux is not just for Intel-based platforms (which now include Apple computers): It has been ported to and runs on the Power PC—including older Apple computers (ppclinux), Compaq’s (née Digital Equipment Corporation) Alpha-based machines, MIPS-based machines, Motorola’s 68K-based machines, various 64-bit systems, and IBM’s S/390.

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