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By Thomas F. Moslow
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Friend & Nutman 1994), although even such highly refined data as this may also lead only to the question of these zircons having been derived from yet older rocks. Compared to granitic intrusives, the style of the mafic magmatic rocks more readily reflects the environment in which they formed. Gabbros, pillowed basalts and mafic dykes commonly retain their distinctive features even in areas of high deformation and metamorphism. One of the fundamental questions concerning Precambrian gneiss terrane accretion models is whether, or to what extent, modern plate tectonic styles are indicated.
Precambridge University Press, Cambridge. brian Research, 46, 21-58. Received 30 July' 1992; accepted 25 August 1992. - - - - - - - - Extract from the Anniversary address of the President, Sir Charles Lyell, QJGS,6, xxxii. GENTLEMEN,witis n0W my duty, in accordance with the usual custom of my predecessors in office, to say something of the scientific labours of geologists during the past session. It is nearly twenty years since I announced, in the first edition of my ' Principles of Geology,' the conviction at which I had then arrived, after devoting some time to observation in the field, and to the study of the works of earlier writers, that the existing causes of change in the animate and inanimate world might be similar, not only in kind, but in degree, to those which have prevailed during many successive modifications of the earth's crust.
2900Ma) high-grade gneisses which were variably metamorphosed, some up to granulite facies, during the deepest Badcallian metamorphism (c. 2660Ma; Pidgeon & Bowes 1972). Soon after, gneisses from different crustal levels were segmented and juxtaposed along major retrograde shear zones (Park & Tarney 1987b). R e f n e d isotopic geochemistry techniques reveal that, as might be expected, the assembly of Archaean cratons does not occur as a simple, single event, but that different components of a craton may differ somewhat in age, signifying their sequential accretion and long geological history.