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By Md Zahurul Haq
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F. (2010) Heat Release and Engine Performance Effects of Soybean Oil Ethyl Ester Blending into Diesel Fuel. Energy, Vol. 36, pp. 3907-3916. Bueno, A. , Velásquez, J. A. & Milanez, L. F. (2011) Notes on ‘A Methodology for Combustion Detection in Diesel Engines Through In-cylinder Pressure Derivative Signal’. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 25, pp. 3209-3210. Ding, Y. ; Stapersmal, D. ; Knoll, H. & Grimmelius, H. T. (2011) A New Method to Smooth the In-cylinder Pressure Signal for Combustion Analysis in Diesel Engines.
P. (1966) Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. William H Press. Wiebe, J. J. (1970) Brennverlauf und Kreisprozes von Verbrennungsmotoren, VEB-Verlag Technik Berlin, Germany. Woschni, G. (1965) Computer Programs to Determine the Relationship between Pressure, Flow, Heat Release and Thermal Load in Diesel Engines. SAE Paper 650450. 44 Applied Measurement Systems Zhong, L. ; Henein, N. A. & Bryzik, W. (2004) Effect of Smoothing the Pressure Trace on the Interpretation of Experimental data for Combustion in Diesel Engines.
This chapter will concentrate on synchronous generators. 46 Applied Measurement Systems 2. The monitoring system The monitoring system is basically a data acquisition system with on line data processing and possible data interpretation. A standard data acquisition system consists of a sensor, signal transfer, A/D conversion, signal conditioning and data storage. The sensor is usually analogue, like a Pt1000 probe for temperature measurement. The temperature is measured as a resistance over two, three or four wires.