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By John M. Jowett, Melvin Month, Stuart Turner

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Process Level When continuous level measurement is used for control purposes, rather than inventory measurement, this is known as a “process level” application. These applications appear primarily in liquid processes. Consider the goal of controlling the flow rate of a fluid from one pressure vessel into another where the flow rate is required to remain constant (Wallace, 1980). Because the two vessels are pressurized and liquids are generally incompressible, the flow rate will fluctuate when the pressure in either vessel changes.

As an example, consider a level indicator used for control of the filling process. The high point needs to consider the run-out from the filling system and the mounting point where the material will be detected on the angle of repose. Bulk materials move and shift during filling and discharge due to their seeming compressibility. The forces imparted upon invasive sensors by the weight of the bulk solid material as it flows and moves can be significant. 8 m) long can be as much as 2 metric tons.

Here we examine typical usages of level measurement and then discuss the type of material (liquid or bulk solid). There are three categories of level measurement: level indication, inventory monitoring, and process level. ” The most common use of a level indicator is for high, low, and intermediate level indication. ” However, as we will see in our discussion of process level, level control is not exclusive to point level or level indicators. Level indication applications are control type applications where the sensing is used to control some function or process such as high level indication and control of a filling process for a liquid or bulk solid.

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